Peace work at home-program that will teach you how to become a friendlier and understandable leader in your family.

Learn the strategy I've developed and used for 15 years to help parents brake the cycle.

Do you often feel ashamed and have bad conscience for getting annoyed and angry at your kids? 




You will learn the relationship model with 6 different roles to understand how you affect each other in the family. How to talk with your kids so you´re all at the same page.


Everything can be said when the intention is good. Brake the cycle with how you talk with your kids, so that you avoid a lot of arguing and yelling. You will gain an understanding of why you get stuck as a parent.


How to regain leadership as a parent and be in control. Remember: you are not a victim, but a leader in the family. You will learn how to set boundaries that make sense for both kids and teenagers.


How do you want your kids to remember you when they leave the nest? Which values do you want your children to have towards you as a parent, their teachers and friends.When you are aware of your vsion as a parent then your children will feel valued and appreciated.


You will learn to deal with conflict before any escalation occurs. Through this your children will take the teachings to heart and follow suit. They will take ownership and learn how to handle their own conflicts with their siblings and friends.


You will learn how to create new and better results. All results comes from your subconscious mind. Your mindset control both good and bad results in your life. In this module I will teach you how to change old habits that no longer serve you. So that you will stop being the frustrated parent, and become a predictable leader for your children.


Lær deg å sette deg mål som blir lett og morsomt å oppnå

Brian Mayne er dyslektiker, men lærte seg å lese og skrive som 30-åring. I dag lærer han bort sin egen vei til suksess: positiv tenking og målsetting, som foredragsholder, forfatter og coach. Han har jobbet med store konsern, skoler, verdensledende coacher, verdensmestre innen idrett med mer. 

Brian lærer oss hvordan vi og barna skal sette mål på en effektiv måte, ved å ta oss gjennom 7 steg. I en verden som endres raskere enn noen gang på grunn av teknologien, er dette en viktig kompetanse å ha for å holde sin kurs.  

These are the results other parents got from the course:

When you said “the only person you can change is yourself.” I took it to heart. I was afraid “the train has already left the station.” Thank God that was not the case. Me and my ex-husband manage to reconnect. We have always loved eachother, but our communication was not good. We both agreed on taking this course hoping it would improve our ability as parents. This went above and beyond all our expectations so we decided to move back with eachother.

Heidi Vikestø

Det har gjort oss til en bedre familie. En familie som prater, lytter og ikke minst bruker spoleknappen når vi kommer skeis ut en kveld. Da starter vi rett og slett på nytt. Om du ønsker å forstå hvordan du kan nå inn til ungene eller tenåringen din, og bli en familie med mer respekt for hverandre, så er dette kurset svært lærerikt. Du får mange AHA-øyeblikk, noen tårer og mye pågangsmot.” 

You Annabell helped us become a better family. We are a family that talks and listen to eachother, and also it is really refreshing to rewind when the conversation gets out of hand. Then we start all over again. This course will teach you how to reach out to your children, and become a family with compassion for one another. I had many moments where I discovered something new about myself, with it came tears but also courage.

Ida Vindstad

Annabell tar de fleste med storm, ikke minst for at hun klarer å lokke fram latteren, til og med hos de mest alvorlige: Hun relaterer det meste til seg selv, står ikke fram som den perfekte mor, MEN forteller om sine utfordringer og tabber, og ikke minst hva hun har gjort for å bli bedre. Et fyrverkeri av ei dame. Spøker mye med seg selv, ting som de fleste kjenner seg selv igjen på” 

“Annabell takes you by storm, not to mention she makes people laugh even those more serious than others. She uses herself as an example, doesn’t pretend to be the perfect mother, but tells about her mistakes and challenges. She is a firework of a lady. Jokes about herself in which people can relate to.”

Elfrid Pettersen Aasvang

Er så glad jeg har meldt meg på dette kurset. Har to viljesterke, artige unger. Vi har vært gjennom mye. Aldri har jeg opplevd så konkrete, billedlige og gjennomførbare forslag /modeller/prosessteori satt i system som hos deg. Dette er mitt vakreste eventyr denne våren i hvert fall☺️ Og digger at humor er så tilstede både i retrospektiv og reell tid! ” 

“I am so happy I signed up on this course. I have two strong-willed, funny children and we have gone through so much together. Never have I experienced something so concrete and easily feasible models, and theories put into system before you. This is my greatest adventure this spring so far ☺️ and I just love the humor being present in such a real time.”

Kari Therese Bratli

Hello, Annabell here. I am the Peace work at home-mom.

Jeg er lidenskapelig engasjert i å kurse foreldre som strever med kommunikasjon i familien sånn at de får en bedre hverdag, med mindre krangling og kjefting og mer humor og samarbeid.  
Jeg har 10 års utdannelse som gestaltterapeut, veileder og konflikthåndterer.

Jeg har praktisert det jeg lærte i min egen familie. Når jeg endret meg som mamma fikk våre to sønner bedre selvfølelse og mer selvtillit.

Jeg har kurset tusenvis av foreldre gjennom våre onlinekurs, i tillegg har jeg veiledet medarbeidere og ledere i mange kommuner i temaet tydelig og vennlig kommunikasjon.

Både TV, aviser og radio bruker meg som ekspertkommentator når de vil ha svar på familieutfordringer. 

Jeg har også skrevet en bestselger om dette temaet.

Tilbakemeldingene er at jeg er en tydelig og dyktig formidler. Mine beste egenskaper er at jeg er entusiastisk og humoristisk som person og at jeg elsker å bringe inn håp og mestringsfølelse til mine kursdeltakere.

I have a passion for guiding parents who struggles with comminication at home. Which will lead to less arguing, and end up with more joy and cooperation. I have 10 years of education as a gestalt therapist, supervisor and conflict manager.

I have practised what I learned in my family. When I changed as a mom my two sons gained better self-confidence and self-esteem.

I have guided thousands of parents through our online course, and with this supervised coworkers and leaders in many communities with clear and friendly communication.

Tv, newspapers and radio use me as an expert commentator when they look for answers on family issues.

I have written a book on this topic as well.

The feedback is that I am a clear and skilled mediator. My best qualities are my enthusiasm and humor, and I love to bring in hope and feeling of mastery to my course participants.

Intervjuet av:


Bli tydelig og vennlig leder i din familie
kr 5.347
  • Fredsarbeid i heimen-kurs
  • Målkart, Brian Mayne